Thursday, October 5, 2017

Geriatric Pregnancy: Child Birth after Menopause

A woman’s “prime” fertility is around the age of 25 years, plus or minus a few years. However she can become pregnant anytime after her first ovulation cycle up until her last ovulation cycle, then she hits menopause (usually around age 50 give or take a few years). The oldest woman to give birth was in her late 60’s, so anything is possible really.

Movie star Halle Berry gave birth at age 47 stating that she thought it wasn’t possible to become pregnant again at that age. Joining her in this miracle are actresses Jennifer Aniston who also became pregnant at age 47, and Kelly Preston also 47 years of age. Preston is quoted touting the “marvels of modern medicine” that enabled her to conceive at an age nearing menopause.   

What is Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her ovulation cycle has ceased and she can no longer become pregnant. This usually happens around age 50, but it can occur much earlier or even much later. It is typically considered that it has occurred when you haven’t ovulated for 12 months.

It is often accompanied with mood swings, hot flashes, urinary complications, vaginal bleeding, fatigue, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Treatment varies with the individuals needs.

Pregnancy after Menopause

It is not possible to become pregnant naturally after menopause. However a woman can still become pregnant after menopause through In Vitro Fertilization. Since a woman no longer produces eggs after menopause she will have to either use donor eggs or to have previously frozen her own eggs prior to reaching menopause.

If you are a cancer patient about to undergo chemotherapy you may want to have your eggs frozen for future use due to the fact that chemotherapy can cause sterility. Likewise, if you have not had children, or think you may want more later in life, then you might want to consider freezing your own eggs to use in IVF procedures.

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