Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Things to Know about the Fertility Medication- Decapeptyl

IVF drugs come in a wide array of dosages, formulations, and types, among them Decapeptyl. Basically, this infertility medication shuts down your ovaries so that the RE can use other infertility drugs to make them behave. In essence, this will put your body into a state of semi-menopause, which also means that you can have some of the same symptoms as someone who has full blown menopause. Fun, right?

Things to Know about the Fertility Medication

As an Infertility Medication, How does Decapeptyl Stack Up?
Most packages shipped by reputable discount fertility pharmacies will come as pre-filled, individually wrapped syringes. They will arrive from the fertility medication pharmacy on ice, or refrigerated in some way. If they aren’t, you’ll need to double check, because this type of infertility medication needs to be kept cool. Once you receive it you’ll need to refrigerate it. Make sure to warm it slightly before injecting it, or it will be unpleasant. Again, pharmacies that specialize in fertility drugs will know to ship this fertility med on ice.

How does Decapeptyl (infertility med) Make You Feel?

Most women on this IVF drug report that they have headaches, but that they went away after a week or so. Others also reported feeling sluggish in the morning, and without any energy at first. Since it mimics menopause hot flashes are likely, but will also go away. There are ways to mitigate the side effects of Decapeptyl, though. One way is to actually go to the gym and work out hard. Some REs are against this practice, so ask to make sure it’s okay to exercise before your cycle. As an aside, for those of you who have Olympic aspirations, both Decapeptyl and Lupron are considered ‘doping’ drugs by the Olympic committee. Kid you not. So, fertility drugs for women online might be used or abused by people who have no interest in becoming pregnant.

Fertility Meds for Sale: Decapeptyl

This fertility medication can be purchased online from many online fertility drug companies. But you’ll have to exercise some due diligence to make sure that the company know what they are doing. The last thing you want to do is spend money on a product that wasn’t handled or shipped properly. The internet is full of fertility meds for sale, but not all of them are certified or reputable. So, take the time and do the research, first.

Decapeptyl Experiences:
Patient#1: A woman is about to start on her first round of Decapeptyl and is worried that she will gain weight with it. Other chime in and say that it is a myth, that they’ve taken the fertility medication and didn’t gain weight.
Patient#2:  This patient posts that she is experiencing injection pain when she takes the Decapeptyl doses and wonders if it is normal. Several posters respond telling her that it is normal with this fertility drug and that to lessen the pain they recommended letting it come to room temperature, or sticking the vial up close to the body to warm it slightly before injecting. Even with this, it does sting a little.

Patient#3: A woman has just completed one round of Decapeptyl and wonders if she should switch to Lupron instead. Others respond that doctors will often switch between the two for various reasons and that both are good fertility medications.

Learn more about buying Decapeptyl, and other discounted IVF meds at

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