Monday, July 4, 2016

What is the Purpose of Medrol, and Why is it Used for IVF?

There are many fertility medications that have multiple uses depending on what is required, and Medrol would be one of them. In short, Medrol (4mg, which comes generally in a pack of 10 tablets or more) is used to reduce inflammation, especially as a result of an overactive immune system’s response.  Where this comes into play with IVF is that sometimes, when an embryo has been implanted, for whatever reason, the body does not recognize it as being part of the woman’s body (even though it was harvested from her). In these instances, the body begins to fight that embryo as if it were an infection, causing a miscarriage. Medrol is often prescribed for women so that they will have less chance of a miscarriage, and to ease some of the discomfort that might be caused by other IVF medications that have been prescribed.

Medrol 4 mg pack

Who is a Good Candidate for this IVF Drug?
Women who have a history of miscarriage, failure to implant syndrome, or who are having terrible side effects from other IVF meds that have been prescribed, generally are very good candidates for receiving Medrol. In combination with other high quality infertility medications, Medrol dosing has a successful track record, resulting in many instances in pregnancies and live births.

Is Medrol a Steroid IVF Medication? 
Medrol (Methylprednisolone) is a steroid, but it is a steroid ‘lite’ version which specifically targets a woman’s uterine lining. It prevents inflammation of the lining of the uterus to prevent rejection by the embryo.

Medrol Experiences
Patient 1:  A poster to the forum asks if it is okay to be taking steroids during IVF procedures and during pregnancy. A woman responds that she was on several types of low grade steroids throughout her pregnancy and her daughter was born in November without any problems whatsoever. She also stresses that everyone should follow the doctor’s instructions to the letter, however, when taking them.
Patient 2:  A patient asks others if their REs prescribed Medrol to them. Hers hasn’t in the past and she is worried.  Many responded to her questions assuring her that it is practically standard procedure sometimes before transplantation, and most often afterwards. This IVF drug helps to give the embryo a better than average chance of implanting.
Patient 3:   A woman asks the group about Medrol and what it is used for and if it had any side effects. Most responded with what Medrol is for, and one guest posted that when she took it the only side effect she had was that her face seemed to flush hot, like she’d run a 10k marathon. Other than that, all reported that they actually liked this infertility medication better than most.

Learn more about buying Medrol, and other discounted IVF meds at


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